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Berkeley Lake Earth Day

Event Location

City Hall
Start Date

6/13/2020 09:00 AM
End Date

6/13/2020 02:00 PM

Excerpt from 5/15 Mayor's Message: Earth Day returns! You will remember that I regretfully cancelled that in April, but I know you need it now more than ever. Many of you have used the last few weeks to clear out closets and basements so you’ve generated a lot of stuff that no longer “sparks joy.” This will be a different kind of Earth Day so please be aware of the following modifications before you come on Saturday, June 13 between 9:00AM and 2:00PM. You will still be checked for proof of residence in our city, but this time also for masks. Everyone who enters will need to be wearing one of those to protect our staff and your other neighbors. Also, I have asked the Chapel board to let us use their parking lot so we can spread out and keep some distancing to protect people. They have kindly consented for this occasion and you will enter the lower gate, then stop by the shredder truck and another truck from a charity collecting things for victims of domestic violence. I invited them to come and take whatever is reusable to help someone before you exit the upper gate and go on over across the street to our city parking lot. There the trash trucks will be waiting to take yard waste and large household items for disposal. As usual, no construction debris, wet paints, entire trees, televisions, microwave ovens, or tires. If you need to dispose of a television, please call Advanced Disposal at (678) 495-0058 to make arrangements with them to pick the television up at your home. There will be no metal recycling this time. Ordinarily our city staff has been happy to help you by taking things from your car and depositing it into the truck. This time I’m asking that you be prepared to put your own stuff into the truck to minimize impact on our small staff. If you are elderly or feel physically unable to do this, please contact me in advance and I’ll try to make special arrangements to help you.

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